Jesus, Lord of Day and Night (Hymn)
Be my prayer, as day is ending,
Incense unto Thee ascending.
The Night Will Soon Be Over (Hymn)
I will appear before Him / Judged holy in His blood, / And sinless will adore Him, / My Brother and my God.
Our Shepherd Says, “My Sheep Are Mine” (Hymn)
So what, then, would we ever fear? / For all is well when Christ is near; / He shines, and none can darken. / He calls and leads through deathly shade; / We’re unafraid, / And to His voice we hearken.
Dear Conscience, Rest! For Thou Art Blessed (Hymn)
Dear conscience, rest! For thou art blessed, / At peace through Jesus’ merit.
O Jesus Christ, Your Supper Is (Hymn)
The blood You spilt / Removes my guilt,
The body that You give me is salvation
Our Lord to Heaven Now Ascends (Hymn)
Our Lord to heaven now ascends; Captivity is captured!
Commentary on “Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is”
The incarnation is not the conversion of the divine into flesh. No, the incarnation is the assumption of humanity into God. God is now the Man Jesus Christ.
“A Little While,” My Jesus Said (Hymn)
“A little while,” my Jesus said, / “And I will take thee to me. / As I for thee my blood have shed, / So do I love thee truly.
The Word of Christ Is Spoken (Hymn)
This sacrament will give us / Abundant joy and peace / Till angels will receive us / In Heaven’s Holy Place.
“The Ambassadors” (Painting)
But this little hymn book, tucked on a bottom shelf between two wealthy and respected men whom nobody remembers—this little hymn book changed the world, and the Church continues to sing hymns from it to this day.