Back Row: Jeffrey Snyder (Wyoming District Business Manager), Brian Johnson (Collaborative Design), Micah Christensen, Justin Benson, John Hill, Reed Shoaff, Mark Preus, Joshua Hayes, Christopher Maronde. Front Row: Larry Harrington, Paul Cain, Dax Simex (Collaborative Design), Keith Myhre (Collaborative Design), Christian Preus, Hunter Andersen, Andrew Richard. Not Pictured: Robert Paul.
The Board of Regents of Luther Classical College held our second annual in-person meeting June 6th-8th in Casper, WY. During our time together, we accomplished much in the realms of curriculum, accreditation, development, and building. A highlight was signing a contract with Collaborative Design, an architectural firm in Billings, MT that will design our Old Main building. Collaborative Design has much experience designing education buildings and does great work. One of the architects, Keith Myhre (pictured below), is a member of an LCMS congregation in Billings and has worked on LCMS churches in Wyoming and Montana. We look forward to working with Collaborative Design as we make our college a reality. The picture below includes nearly all the regents, the Wyoming District Business Manager, and three men from Collaborative Design. We are standing on the future site of Luther Classical College. Please consider donating to Luther Classical College to help us make it a reality: lutherclassical.org/support.