Letter from the President of Luther Classical College

It is our prayer that through this magazine, faithful Lutherans will realize that a classical Lutheran college is not only a possibility and a dream, but a reality and a mission worth striving for.

Dear readers of Christian Culture,

God’s grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus!

Signs of the end of the age seem to surround our churches, communities, and country. Many of the institutions that we once trusted have betrayed that trust, whether it be educational, political, or even ecclesiastical. The trials of the past eighteen months have revealed true colors for many, and have left Lutherans throughout the country puzzled and wondering about the imminent future.

During this past year, faithful Christian men have begun to assemble an institution built on the hope that only Christ can give. That institution is Luther Classical College: a conservative, classical Christian college for the congregations of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Faithful laypeople and pastors pine for an education that will actually equip our youth to serve their congregations faithfully and steadfastly. The tumult of the COVID years has produced a longing for true culture and an earnestness to provide it. LCC aims to do just that.

These next few years will serve as years of spreading the message of Luther Classical College. Lutheran men and women need a college that delivers to them a Lutheran culture, preserving family and civilization for the purpose of building up local Lutheran congregations. LCC plans to offer a unique education firmly rooted in the classical Lutheran tradition. With the first class matriculating in the fall of 2025, LCC promises to be a faithful college building strong foundations for men and women who wish to raise families and serve as pillars in their congregations and communities.

Not only will LCC form students to learn and love Latin, Greek, literature, history, the natural sciences, and mathematics, but the foundation of LCC’s curriculum is a rich education in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. The coursework and culture at LCC will train the soul through Lutheran music and the body through physical training. LCC endeavors not only to provide the next generations of seminarians and teachers, but also to train up well-educated laymen who can serve in their congregations. We know that a classical Lutheran education is for everyone: pastors, hearers, government, citizens, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, children, employers and employees, widows and orphans. The life of LCC, the curriculum, and the culture all seek to mold uniquely Lutheran men and women. Inclined toward authentic classical Lutheran culture, future plumbers, pastors, teachers, electricians, doctors, mothers, and fathers will be able to raise up future generations of Lutherans who know what it means to drink deeply from the wells of the Scriptures and from the rivers of classical Lutheran culture.

Please support this endeavor. Luther Classical College is what we need to train future Lutherans. Our children, grandchildren, confirmands, and students need the education that Luther Classical College will provide. Please speak to your pastor and your church leadership. Every congregation that supports Luther Classical College does so for the good of the church. It is our prayer that through this magazine, faithful Lutherans will realize that a classical Lutheran college is not only a possibility and a dream, but a reality and a mission worth striving for.

Pray for the Board of Regents. Pray for me, the President of the College. Pray for Luther Classical College. Pray that the will of God be done for the sake of the Gospel.

In Christ,

Pastor R.W. Paul

President, Luther Classical College
Headmaster and Pastor, Memorial Lutheran Church and School, Houston, TX


Robert Paul

Rev. Robert Paul is Associate Pastor and Headmaster at Memorial Lutheran Church and School in Houston, TX

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Christian Culture

Christian Culture is the magazine of Luther Classical College. Visit lutherclassical.org for more information about the college.