The Wittenberg Option in Casper, Wyoming

If today’s Christians need encouragement in preserving and creating a healthy Christian culture in our increasingly secular society, they do not have to study in a large university in a big city. They can look at the story of tiny, isolated Wittenberg in the sixteenth century.
Caesar’s Friend

Just as Pilate held onto his body, goods, and honor, and kept Caesar as his friend, although he knew that Christ was being done an injustice, so it happens among many people in our day.
Lessons from Magdeburg, Part 1

“The truth is not conquered by strength of arms. Military victory cannot change anything about what is true nor does it always accompany the truth.”
Letter from the President of Luther Classical College

It is our prayer that through this magazine, faithful Lutherans will realize that a classical Lutheran college is not only a possibility and a dream, but a reality and a mission worth striving for.