Spring 2021
Spring 2021 (Issue 1)
The Lie of Religious vs. Secular
The secular is the religious, and it’s a religion that opposes Jesus.
Fatherhood, Patriarchy, and Chaos
What we need now are men with chests, men whose fatherhood is a picture of providence and whose fighting does not aim at destruction, but is a defense of those who are vulnerable.
Nimrod’s Artists
God gave us the power to create art in order that we might say the same things He did in His own creation of the heavens and the earth.

The Lie of Religious vs. Secular
The secular is the religious, and it’s a religion that opposes Jesus.

Fatherhood, Patriarchy, and Chaos
What we need now are men with chests, men whose fatherhood is a picture of providence and whose fighting does not aim at destruction, but is a defense of those who are vulnerable.

Nimrod’s Artists
God gave us the power to create art in order that we might say the same things He did in His own creation of the heavens and the earth.

And I, with unclean lips, cried, “Woe to me!”As Jesus bled and did atonement make.

The Rotten Culture and the Living Word
Pray that God will turn the hearts of Americans to treasure what is now being trashed and to rescue Christendom from destruction. Pray that the blessing God gave to Abraham would rest on America.

A Call for Patrons of Lutheran Schools
Passing the Christian faith and life to the next generation is of highest importance to us. It informs our priorities, our labors, our sacrifices, and our generosity.

Rejecting the Idolatry Inherent in BLM
Marxism, like communism and socialism, is not merely a political ideology, but a utopian vision that is best understood as a religion.

Christian News in Brief (Spring 2021)
Found: President for CSL | Concordia, Portland Woes Continue | LCMS CTCR Speaks Against the Practice of Online Communion

Concerning Civil Government Ordering Masks in Church
The authority of the civil government is not absolute. We do not recognize the civil government’s authority to order our churches to require masks.

Commentary on William Blake’s “The Clod and the Pebble”
Love must be learned from the innocent and spotless Lamb of God, through the pages of Holy Writ. If we base our love upon experience, we will inevitably end up hardened, selfish, and alone.

Oedipus Rex
Oedipus is a victim of fate, but at the same time his own unrepented decisions leave him without excuse. Free will is not an illusion, but a deep moral liability.

The Old and the New Sermon
“To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and makes you all the more certain,” wrote St. Paul to the congregation at Philippi, and even so faithful and orthodox preachers remain with the old, often-preached truths of God’s Word.

Longing for Family
I know Your beauty’s day, Lord, soon will come;Until then, bring my family safely home.

Jesus Wept Twice
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!”

Christ Blessing the Children
The grace of Christ defies human wisdom and the self-trust that comes so easily to adults. When confused and at a loss, the best course of action is to listen reverently to Jesus and believe what He says.