Summer 2021
Summer 2021 (Issue 2)
Why Lutherans Need Classical Colleges
Today, the great classical preoccupations—the True, the Good, and the Beautiful—are not just theoretical ideals. They are survival skills, especially for Lutherans.
Wokism is not woke. It is deep darkness and spiritual blindness. Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker: Lutheran Training for the Skilled Trades
There is our gap: we have no Lutheran trade school to train men in both piety and the skills needed to earn a good living; we have no network for connecting young Lutheran men with Lutheran business owners in the skilled trades who can provide them apprenticeships.
Letter from the President of Luther Classical College
It is our prayer that through this magazine, faithful Lutherans will realize that a classical Lutheran college is not only a possibility and a dream, but a reality and a mission worth striving for.
Why Lutherans Need Classical Colleges
Today, the great classical preoccupations—the True, the Good, and the Beautiful—are not just theoretical ideals. They are survival skills, especially for Lutherans.
Wokism is not woke. It is deep darkness and spiritual blindness. Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker: Lutheran Training for the Skilled Trades
There is our gap: we have no Lutheran trade school to train men in both piety and the skills needed to earn a good living; we have no network for connecting young Lutheran men with Lutheran business owners in the skilled trades who can provide them apprenticeships.
Old Missouri’s Negro Mission
We seek to reach this goal only through the clear, pure preaching of the Gospel, which yields its fruit in its proper time.
My Jesus Doth Abide
He answers in his hymn that the world is nothing, with all its vaunted pleasure. That’s faith in the Lord Jesus singing out.
Lessons from Magdeburg, Part 1
“The truth is not conquered by strength of arms. Military victory cannot change anything about what is true nor does it always accompany the truth.”
Review: A Tale of Two Cities
What force on earth can be found that answers for the sins of the past, recalls the dead to life, and promises a better future?
O Christ, My God, Receive My Praises (Hymn)
All that in this sad world has chained me / Is Yours to cast into the sea; / The pardon that Your blood has gained me / From Pharaoh’s bondage sets me free
Commentary on George Herbert’s “Holy Baptism (1)”
What ever future sinnes should me miscall, / Your first acquaintance might discredit all.
“At the Root” (Review)
History is pushed along by God and He deals with people either as believers or unbelievers.
How to Be an Un-Miserable Lutheran
The best way we can convince our neighbors that what we Lutherans have is better is to show them that what we Lutherans have has not made us bitter.
Christian News in Brief (Summer 2021)
District Conventions Begin | New Day at Concordia Seminary , St. Louis | Bugenhagen Conference | Concordia System Update | Changes at CPH
Getting to Know the Fathers: Hilary of Poitiers
We must clothe ourselves in foolishness that we may gain wisdom—not in the foolishness of hazardous conclusions, but in the foolishness of a modest sense of our own infirmity…
Cantate Domino (Poem)
Christ made the dirge of death to fail. / No more shall wail / The choristry / Of saints, for we shall be / The fugal echoes of our Lord.
“The Ambassadors” (Painting)
But this little hymn book, tucked on a bottom shelf between two wealthy and respected men whom nobody remembers—this little hymn book changed the world, and the Church continues to sing hymns from it to this day.