On the Suffering of Christ by John Arndt

Therefore find comfort in this: Christ suffered such anguish for all of your sins. Yes, His soul was sorrowed for you. He was troubled for you. He was deeply distressed for you, so that you do not need to sorrow forever, nor be troubled, nor be deeply distressed.
Meet Gerhard

Christ kindles faith in us not without means but through the hearing of His Word, which is why it is compared to fire (Jer. 23:29)
Valerius Herberger: A Sermon on the Forgiveness of Sins

The forgiveness of sins is the undeniable source of all blessed welfare of body and soul, possessions and reputation, and wherever you properly find the forgiveness of sins, you also receive and keep this noble treasure.
Caesar’s Friend

Just as Pilate held onto his body, goods, and honor, and kept Caesar as his friend, although he knew that Christ was being done an injustice, so it happens among many people in our day.