Birth or Death (Poem)

In contemplation that birth and death have much in common, and the Christian whom God has brought safely through the first need not fear the second.
Edmund Spenser – A Poet of Tradition

The poem begins with the love that is God, hidden within the inner workings of the Trinity, before time. From the eternal begetting of the Son and the procession of the Spirit, the love of God pours out in the creation of angels and men.
No Greater Love (Poem)

The editors of Christian Culture received ten entries for our first poetry contest, representing 6 states and 5 graduating classes of prospective LCC students. Thank you to all who entered, and congratulations to Julia on winning the contest!
Of a Faithful Pastor

My conscience is at rest, and I rejoice / That through my shepherd speaks my Shepherd’s voice!
Perfect Love (Poem)

O Love, You grant me and my wife / To be a picture of Your grace, / To live the sacrificial life, / Until we reach that place / Of marriage feasting up above / And live with You, our Perfect Love.
A Discussion on John Donne’s La Corona, part seven, Ascension

I encourage all of you to not only read this poem, but to learn it by heart. Its imagery is not only beautiful, but it accurately and poignantly teaches us how important and necessary Christ’s ascension was for us.
Humility (Poem)

Lord, bring me back to ground and grant to me / Humility.
Ascension Day (Poem)

“Rejoice,” said one, “that blossom’s time has ceased, / For only then the fruit, and harvest-feast.”
Commentary on Rudyard Kipling’s “If—”

The indifference to circumstance, the stress on self-reliance and endurance, and the utter belief that no one but you can hurt your virtue—all these fall squarely into classic Hellenistic philosophy.
Aeterna Pax Iesu (Poem)

The Lord His saints will ever bless, / As He has always done, and make me know / And with the cloud of witnesses confess, / “Aeternam pacem Iesu habeo!”