Review: Giants in the Earth, by O. E. Rölvaag

Giants in the Earth (1924–1925) brings an old-world perspective to bear on the experience of the Norwegian pioneers who undertook the herculean task of carving an existence out of the terrifyingly new and unfamiliar world of the northern Great Plains.
Communism and Socialism

The following is an excerpt from “Communism and Socialism: minutes of the First German Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, U.A.C. at Saint Louis, Missouri: a stenographic report of four lectures” by C. F. W. Walther and translated by Rev. D. Simon, 1879.
Inaugural Address

The oldest colleges and universities of this blessed Republic were founded by the Church. The founding fathers of America believed that if establishing churches was the number one priority, schools were the second.
Arianism Past and Present

Arius put his false teaching to music, and that false teaching continues to be chanted in our own day.
Martin Luther, the Lutheran Reformation, and the Enlightenment: Unexpected Areas of Overlap

Martin Luther himself held a high but circumscribed view of reason, as did Francis Pieper centuries later.
Lessons in Cross-bearing

The discipline that a Christian child receives is a cross since it is painful and ultimately from the loving hand of the heavenly Father. It is God who gives this cross to the child by means of the parents, and like all crosses, it is bearable in faith.
A Word from the President

I believe that confessional Lutheranism is the best expression of Christianity on earth, evidenced by our soteriology and sacramentology. It is the true Church as established in the inerrant Holy Scripture.
American Christianity: Origins and Introductions

Why have we decided to take up this task of chronicling and introducing the various movements in American Christianity? The answer is very simple. We must know from where we have come to see where we are.
Educational Philosophy of Luther Classical College

Before the Greeks began philosophizing, when Romulus had barely built Rome, King Hezekiah “did what was good and right and true before the Lord his God” (2 Chronicles 31:20), beautifying the temple and purging it of idolatry.
But it’s Christ’s Left Hand, not Everybody’s and Nobody’s!

We need to beware of picturing the area governed by God’s Left Hand as simply those wide tracts of space where the world ‘does its own thing’ as the Church looks unconcernedly on.