Defend the Rights of the Poor and Needy

Interposition is neither insurrection nor complicity in evil. It is a full and free exercise of one’s vocation to do always, and only, the right thing.
Eighty Easters Ago: The Mass Resignation of Lutheran Pastors from the Nazified Church of Norway

On Easter Sunday, 1942, the moment of truth arrived. Ninety-three percent of the clergy resigned from the Church of Norway in order to fulfill their oaths of ordination and serve the people whom God had entrusted to their care.
Lessons from Magdeburg, Part 2

“When [magistrates and parents] openly persecute true godliness and virtue, they remove themselves from the offices of magistrate and parents before God and their own consciences, and instead of an ordinance of God they become an ordinance of the devil, which can and ought to be resisted in an orderly manner according to one’s vocation.”
Lessons from Magdeburg, Part 1

“The truth is not conquered by strength of arms. Military victory cannot change anything about what is true nor does it always accompany the truth.”
Concerning Civil Government Ordering Masks in Church

The authority of the civil government is not absolute. We do not recognize the civil government’s authority to order our churches to require masks.