We teach and guide people to establish and maintain Christian culture in the home, Church, and state, specifically with an aim towards creating a school where Lutherans learn a classical, Christian education, and can meet, marry, and learn to raise families, support local congregations, and be the salt of the earth.Christian Culture: A Magazine for Lutherans.
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The Sixth Article: He Rose from the Dead
Peter Preus
This sermon is part of a series in which John Arndt preaches on all of the Ten Commandments, every line of the Apostles Creed, and every petition of the Lord’s Prayer.
Review: The Iliad
John Henry
The Iliad is a book-length poem about a war between the Mycenaean Greeks, called “Achaeans,” and a certain city-state on the western coast of Asia
Lessons in Cross-bearing
David Buchs
The discipline that a Christian child receives is a cross since it is painful and ultimately from the loving hand of the heavenly Father. It is God who gives this cross to the child by means of the parents, and like all crosses, it is bearable in faith.