We teach and guide people to establish and maintain Christian culture in the home, Church, and state, specifically with an aim towards creating a school where Lutherans learn a classical, Christian education, and can meet, marry, and learn to raise families, support local congregations, and be the salt of the earth.Christian Culture: A Magazine for Lutherans.
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Review: Giants in the Earth, by O. E. Rölvaag
Giants in the Earth (1924–1925) brings an old-world perspective to bear on the experience of the Norwegian pioneers who undertook the herculean task of carving an existence out of the terrifyingly new and unfamiliar world of the northern Great Plains.
American Christianity: A Nation Abandons Her Creeds
The new events happening around the country were seen as something of a new Pentecost wherein all of the fetters of old Christianity would be unbound and usher in a new age of ecumenism founded only upon the New Testament.
Review: The Odyssey
Whereas Achilles was a man of rage, Odysseus is “a man of twists and turns,” a phrase which describes his itinerary, but also his character. He’s not so straightforward in conflict as an Achilles or a Goliath; he’s rather, like his patron Athena, tactical, strategic, cunning.