We teach and guide people to establish and maintain Christian culture in the home, Church, and state, specifically with an aim towards creating a school where Lutherans learn a classical, Christian education, and can meet, marry, and learn to raise families, support local congregations, and be the salt of the earth.Christian Culture: A Magazine for Lutherans.
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Roman Catholicism and Liberalism
Christian Preus
The Reformation was itself a conservative movement. It dispensed with only those things that corrupted the Church, and it kept all traditions that came down from the apostolic age, basing all things on what is most ancient: the Bible.
Thomas Kingo’s “Sorrow, Grief, and Misery” (Hymn)
Andrew Richard
Thou the cross didst gladly suffer / And didst tear my note of debt, / Else Death’s sentence I were under, / On the path to hell were set.
Martin Luther, the Lutheran Reformation, and the Enlightenment: Unexpected Areas of Overlap
Henry Allen
Martin Luther himself held a high but circumscribed view of reason, as did Francis Pieper centuries later.